EKS Managing company became winner of “Grani uspeha” (“Facets of success”) prize of achievements and innovations in real estate and building in the category “Breakthrough of the year: Managing company of 2012”.
Trading and entertaining complex “SEMYA” in Perm city and Ufa city were included in the catalogue of 100 Best Shopping Malls of Russia.
Trading and entertaining complex “SEMYA” in Ufa city became the finalist of ALL RUSSIAN COMPETITION ‘THE BEST IMPLEMENTED DEVELOPING PROJECT ON THE REAL ESTATE MARKET OF RUSSIA 2012’ which is the national stage of world competition FIABCI PRIX D’EXCELLENCE – 2013 in the category “Trading real estate” for the second time in a row.
In February 2012 an award of the “Grani Uspeha - 2012” (“Facets of success”) took place for the finalists of this competition. Managing company EKS became the nominee of the competition in the category “The best commercial real estate managing company of the year”.
Trading and entertaining complex “SEMYA” in Ufa city became the finalist of ALL RUSSIAN COMPETITION ‘THE BEST IMPLEMENTED DEVELOPING PROJECT ON THE REAL ESTATE MARKET OF RUSSIA 2011’ which is the national stage of world competition FIABCI PRIX D’EXCELLENCE – 2012 in the category “Trading real estate”.
As a result of voting Managing company EKS became nominee of CRE Federal Awards 2011 in the category Major shopping center for the participation in project implementation of “SEMYA” in Ufa city. Annual professional award Commercial Real Estate Awards was set up in 2003 and already has the reputation of the most important and prestigious event in real estate business.
As the result of 2009 activities trading and entertaining complex “SEMYA” in Ufa city was awarded by the prize “People’s recognition” in the category “The best trading and entertaining complex”. “People’s recognition” prize takes place among the readers of “Argumenty and facty - Bashkortostan” (“Arguments and Facts”). The prize is given to the most reliable companies with the highest quality standards for goods and services.
EKS Managing company became the winner of Annual Krai competition of entrepreneurial and socially minded activity of Perm kray companies “Persona Grata” in the category “Choice of the consumer is the quality guarantee”.
EKS Managing company became the winner of innovations and achievements on real estate market “Grani Uspeha” (“Facets of success”) in the following categories:
Innovation 2009 in real estate management
Innovation 2009 in construction activity
Trading and entertainment complex “SEMYA” was recognized as an object of 2009 in the segment of trading and entertaining real estate in the competition of innovations and achievements on the real estate market “Grani Uspeha” (“Facets of success”).
“SEMYA” brand got the award in the competition “Brand of the year/EFFIE 2006” in the category “Regional project”.
Shopping mall “SEMYA” became the winner of regional competition “Retail facility of millennium” in the category “Shopping mall (middle size) of total area from 10 000 square meters”.
Shopping mall “SEMYA” was recognized as corresponding modern requirements to the trading complexes and was a finalist of SHOPPING MALL RATING OF RUSSIA – 2004